The committees are established by the Association to deal with the continual and long-range needs of the Association. They are established by approval of a motion at an Ordinary General Meeting of the Association for which due notice has been given. Current committees include:
Advocacy Committee
The Committee shall include the Convener, the four VP Provinces to ensure representation of all regions, and one additional francophone member, to ensure that important issues for francophone libraries are not overlooked. The APLA President and VP/President Elect will be ex officio members. Members may serve up to three years.
To ensure that APLA is an effective regional voice on issues of importance to libraries, library staff, and library users, and to ensure that no opportunity is missed to make that voice heard. The committee will play a support role to the Executive.
Terms of Reference:
- To monitor developments in libraries and librarianship, both regionally and nationally, and identify key issues;
- to research and compile background information on these issues, as needed;
- to advise the APLA Executive on possible actions to be taken on emerging issues;
- to develop advocacy tools for use by APLA members;
- to facilitate training for effective advocacy; and
- to collaborate with other organizations (e.g. CFLA-FCAB, The Partnership, other regional associations) to increase the reach and impact of advocacy efforts.
Communications and Public Relations Committee
The convener shall be appointed by the Committee on Committees and Interest Groups for a two year term. Membership shall include the following: APLA President, APLA listserv postmaster, Vice-President for Membership, editor of the APLA Bulletin, webpage editor, and convener of the Francophone Interest Group. The committee may include other members.
Terms of Reference:
- publicize and promote the aims and activities of APLA to libraries and other related organizations and to the general public of the Atlantic Provinces
- promote communication among members and to make the committee visible to all members of the Association
- maintain the APLA listserv
- maintain the APLA website
- edit the APLA Membership Directory
- compile annually a list of library-related associations in the Atlantic Provinces for inclusion in the APLA Membership Directory
- assist the Bulletin Management Board as necessary in order to ensure the continuance of the APLA Bulletin as the publication of the Association
- organize a session at each annual conference to increase the visibility of the committee and communication among APLA members
- provide at least one topical article a year on its activities, to be published in the APLA Bulletin
Grow a Library Fund Committee
The Committee shall include the APLA President and Treasurer and up to 8 additional members.
Terms of Reference:
to fundraise through various events and activities for the fund
to determine by majority what percentage of the funds are allocated each year
to determine by majority what project(s) are selected to be funded each year