First Timer’s Conference Grant

Are you an APLA member and haven’t attended an APLA Conference? APLA offers a grant for a first time attendee and this year’s conference will be held in Virtual Prince Edward Island (

To be eligible for the First Timer’s Conference Grant, an applicant must be a personal member of APLA, residing in Atlantic Canada, and planning to attend their first APLA annual conference. Grants are allocated, consistent with general APLA guidelines, to help meet conference related expenses. If more applications are received than can be met by the fund, money will be awarded by drawing from the names of all eligible applicants.

Recipients will be expected to write a short report, for the Executive and the APLA Bulletin, summarizing their conference experience.

Grants are allocated, consistent with general APLA guidelines, to help meet conference related expenses. 

Please note that grant amounts vary every year and are dependent upon available funds. 

How to apply:

Please include your name, business address, preferred contact information (e.g., e-mail, telephone, fax), as well as estimated costs associated with conference attendance (e.g., registration), and sign and date the document. Please note that your signature indicates full knowledge of, and compliance with, all eligibility requirements. Submissions must be received by March 31.

Send complete applications electronically c/o:

Cate Carlyle
Vice-President/President Elect, 2021-2022
Atlantic Provinces Library Association